User Magic: Export
for Jira Cloud
Introducing our Jira Cloud app, equipped with an listing and export tool for users. It's possible to export to Csv, Pdf, Excel, Xml and Json format.
As per convention, installation is facilitated through the Atlassian Marketplace.
Upon installation, the app will seamlessly integrate into the left-side menu under Apps. It can also be found in the top menu Apps.
The listing tool is simple. It features an input field to search for users. Otherwise it displays all users (paginated list). On top of that, the Export button makes it possible to export to the five formats. It's possible to choose the selected users (in the list) or simply all users.
The fields printed are:
Account ID
Admin (yes/no)
Active (yes/no)
Application Roles
optional extended fields (see below)
Bear in mind that when exporting, the process can take some minutes if the user base is large. (e.g. thousands of users).
Extended fields
The list can be extended with the fields:
Added to Organization
Jira Core last accessed
Jira Software last accessed
Jira Service Management last accessed
Added to Organisation: shows the date when user was added to the owning organisation.
.. last accessed: shows the date when the user last accessed the product.
To get these fields in the list, you (admin) must supply Organization ID and Api Key in the configuration. Note that these secrets are stored securely in the Atlassian Forge Storage, and not on our premises.